Management and organization
Line organization
LUMC is a line organization with decentralized integral management. This means that divisional boards and department heads are integrally responsible within the frameworks set by the Board of Directors.
Supervisory Board LUMC
The Supervisory Board supervises the policy of the Board of Directors and all core tasks of the LUMC. For the research and teaching tasks the supervisory board bases itself partly on information from the Board of Directors of Leiden University.
The Supervisory Board also appoints the members of the Board of Directors of the LUMC. This appointment is for an indefinite period of time. The members of the supervisory board are appointed for 4 years by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. They may be reappointed once.
Members Supervisory Council LUMC
Board of Directors
Organizational chart LUMC
Openbaarheid van bestuur
Jaarverslagen en declaraties
Chamber of Commerce
LUMC is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under the number 27366422.
VAT number: NL0035.66.213B01
RSIN number: 0035.66.213