Professor Internal Medicine
Prof. Dr. F.A. (Erik) Klok
Area(s) of expertise:
Internal Vascular Medicine
Internal Vascular Medicine
I am Professor of Internal Medicine and Internist of Vascular Medicine at LUMC. In addition, I am trainer of vascular medicine, medical leader of the Thrombosis Service Leiden and guest scientist at the University of Mainz. I am also chairman of the LUMC Good Research Practice Committee, Master of Medicine Admissions Committee and Selection and Placement Committee, as well as of the Dutch Society of Internists Vascular Medicine, Dutch Thrombosis Network, EPERT-PE Europe and upcoming chairman of the ESC working group on pulmonary circulation and right ventricular function.
Scientific research
I have been appointed Professor of Internal Medicine, in particular vascular medicine. One of the main goals of my studies is to design diagnostic strategies for patients with suspected venous thrombosis to reach the most accurate diagnosis in the most efficient way possible, using modern imaging techniques in a targeted manner. A second goal is to improve acute care for the most at risk patients with pulmonary embolism, where adequate risk stratification, optimal use of advanced interventions and a multidisciplinary approach should lead to improved survival. A final goal is to make the long-term outcomes of care for patients with venous thrombosis measurable and to introduce outcome-based care for this patient category.