Head of subdepartment of Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Prof. Dr. H.C.J. (Jeroen) Eikenboom, MD PhD
Area(s) of expertise:
Vascular Medicine, Hematology
Vascular Medicine, Hematology
I’m professor of Internal Medicine, especially Hemostasis and Thrombosis. I’m an internist with specialization in vascular medicine and hematology and work at the department of internal medicine and am head of the subdepartment of Thrombosis and Hemostasis.
I obtained my MD in 1988 at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 1994 I defended my doctoral thesis and obtained the PhD degree in Leiden. I did my training for internal medicine at the Leiden University Medical Center. In 2011 I was appointed as professor of Internal Medicine. My clinical activities are within the field of vascular medicine, bleeding disorders and thrombosis. My scientific research is primarily focused on bleeding disorders and especially von Willebrand. In addition, I’m editor of the scientific journal HemaSphere, I’m chair of the Dutch Society of Hemophilia Treaters (NVHB), and chair of the scientific advisory board of the Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research (LSBR).
I obtained my MD in 1988 at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 1994 I defended my doctoral thesis and obtained the PhD degree in Leiden. I did my training for internal medicine at the Leiden University Medical Center. In 2011 I was appointed as professor of Internal Medicine. My clinical activities are within the field of vascular medicine, bleeding disorders and thrombosis. My scientific research is primarily focused on bleeding disorders and especially von Willebrand. In addition, I’m editor of the scientific journal HemaSphere, I’m chair of the Dutch Society of Hemophilia Treaters (NVHB), and chair of the scientific advisory board of the Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research (LSBR).
Scientific research
My scientific research is linked to the cardiovascular research innovation theme and is focused on bleeding disorders and especially the molecular genetics of von Willebrand disease, the genotype-phenotype associations in von Willebrand disease, and the biochemical and cell biological aspects of synthesis, storage, secretion, and clearance of von Willebrand factor. In addition to these pathophysiological studies I’m also working on the development of new, innovative treatment strategies. The current research line is focused on new therapies using RNA interference for von Willebrand disease and thrombosis.
For this research I have obtained several grants from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research (LSBR), the Netherlands Thrombosis Foundation (TSN), and funding from the European Union. In 1993 I received the Bianchi Bonomi-award and in 2002 a Dekker Stipendium from the Netherlands Heart Foundation.
For this research I have obtained several grants from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research (LSBR), the Netherlands Thrombosis Foundation (TSN), and funding from the European Union. In 1993 I received the Bianchi Bonomi-award and in 2002 a Dekker Stipendium from the Netherlands Heart Foundation.