Professor of Medical Decision Making
Prof. Dr. A.M. (Anne) Stiggelbout, PhD
Area(s) of expertise:
Shared Decision Making, Patient preferences
Shared Decision Making, Patient preferences
As full professor I study and teach shared decision making and other topics related to doctor-patient decision making (such as risk communication). Currently my research focuses mostly on supporting patient-centred care and shared decision making at the meso level, e.g., by redesigning care paths or modifying clinical practice guidelines. Increasingly a focus is on Value-Based Health Care and Appropriate Care (Passende Zorg), in the Netherlands as well as in my research.
My PhD research (1995) and research in the years following that was mostly focused on patient preferences. I also developed and validated several measurement instruments.
My teaching to medical students focuses on Shared Decision Making. Further I supervise both PhD and other students, both of the LUMC and other universities.
I am also involved in initiatives related to quality of care improvement, when patient-centredness is involved.
I am also member of the Board of Governors (non-executive Board) of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital (till Januari 2025).
My PhD research (1995) and research in the years following that was mostly focused on patient preferences. I also developed and validated several measurement instruments.
My teaching to medical students focuses on Shared Decision Making. Further I supervise both PhD and other students, both of the LUMC and other universities.
I am also involved in initiatives related to quality of care improvement, when patient-centredness is involved.
I am also member of the Board of Governors (non-executive Board) of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital (till Januari 2025).
Scientific research
My research involves mostly, but not only, decision making about cancer treatment, as this involves complex high-stakes decisions, supported by multidisciplinary teams.
For this research I have (had) many grants from the Dutch Cancer Society.
Cancer is therefore one of the themes for innovation of the LUMC in which I am involved, but so is Lifecourse, regarding shared decision making about appropriate care (“Passende Zorg”), such as in the elderly (e.g., the IPTO-project on the stIntegrated Oncology Decision Making- with a Dutch Cancer Society-funded consortium and the 4D-picture EU consortium on redesign of carepaths in oncology in the Netherlands, Spain and Denmark).
In the theme Prevention&Lifestyle I collaborate with my collegue Marleen Kunneman in projects on Diabetes and other chronic conditions, related to the burden of disease and treatment/care.
For this research I have (had) many grants from the Dutch Cancer Society.
Cancer is therefore one of the themes for innovation of the LUMC in which I am involved, but so is Lifecourse, regarding shared decision making about appropriate care (“Passende Zorg”), such as in the elderly (e.g., the IPTO-project on the stIntegrated Oncology Decision Making- with a Dutch Cancer Society-funded consortium and the 4D-picture EU consortium on redesign of carepaths in oncology in the Netherlands, Spain and Denmark).
In the theme Prevention&Lifestyle I collaborate with my collegue Marleen Kunneman in projects on Diabetes and other chronic conditions, related to the burden of disease and treatment/care.