Professor Medical Statistics
Prof. Dr. H. (Hein) Putter
Area(s) of expertise:
Survival Analysis
Survival Analysis
I am a professor of medical statistics, where my three main responsibilities are consultation (supporting medical research), teaching, and methodological research. I studied mathematics at Leiden University and subsequently obtained my PhD there. After several post-doc positions in mathematical statistics in Amsterdam and Cambridge, I transitioned to biostatistics. I have now been working at LUMC for 25 years. I am an Associate Editor for Biostatistics and the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, and I am affiliated with the STRATOS initiative.
Scientific research
My scientific research can broadly be divided into two distinct areas. The first is contributing to medical research. In that capacity, I have served as a statistician in several leading oncological studies, such as the Dutch Gastric Cancer trial, and the TME, TEAM, PROCTOR-SCRIPT, CRITICS, RAPIDO, and PORTEC studies (2, 3, and 4). This aligns with the LUMC cancer theme. The second area of research is methodological research. I have specialized in methodology for survival analysis, particularly competing risks and multi-state models, dynamic prediction, and also frailty models. Together with Hans van Houwelingen, I co-authored a book for Chapman & Hall on dynamic prediction. In the area of competing risks and multi-state models, I have written a frequently cited tutorial and received a ZonMW-TOP grant.