Prof. Dr. J.J. (Jelle) Goeman
Area(s) of expertise:
medical Statistics
medical Statistics
My expertise is statistical methods for medical research. Within that area, I am mainly concerned with high-dimensional data, where hundreds or thousands of measurements are made per patient, such as in genomics and (neuro)imaging. I advise medical researchers on the use of these methods and also develop new advanced methods for this type of data. I am involved in statistics education for medical students and in the interfaculty master's program in Statistics and Data Science. I was trained as a mathematician and historian. I lead the Medical Statistics section and the Data Analytics Research Facility.
Scientific research
The main theme of my scientific research is the development of improved methods for large-scale multiple testing, when hundreds or thousands of statistical hypothesis tests are performed within the same study. My innovations in this area cover both the underlying mathematical principles and practical applications, including in genomics, neuroimaging and clinical trials. My work is relevant within all research themes of the LUMC, but I am particularly active within infection, medical genomics and neuroscience. My research was recognized with a VENI and a VIDI grant.