Professor of Cognitive Neuroimaging
Prof. Dr. S.A.R.B. (Serge) Rombouts
Area(s) of expertise:
Methods of Cognitive Neuroimaging
Methods of Cognitive Neuroimaging
I studied physics at Utrecht University, obtained my PhD at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in the field of FMRI brain imaging. Since 2009, I have been a professor in cognitive neuroimaging at the Department of Radiology at LUMC and the Institute of Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Scientific research
In neuroscience, we aim to better understand how our brain works and how brain functions change in brain disorders. My field focuses on imaging the brain with brain scans, and then attempting to relate the structure or dynamics visible in the scan to processes such as thinking and learning. This applies to both normally functioning brains and brain disorders.
The goal of my research within the LUMC theme 'Neuroscience' is to employ new techniques of brain scans to aid in better (early) diagnosis, drug development, and monitoring the effects of treatment. To support this, NWO-ZonMW has provided funding to me and my team, including Veni, Vidi, and Vici grants.
The goal of my research within the LUMC theme 'Neuroscience' is to employ new techniques of brain scans to aid in better (early) diagnosis, drug development, and monitoring the effects of treatment. To support this, NWO-ZonMW has provided funding to me and my team, including Veni, Vidi, and Vici grants.