3rd Dutch Chronobiology Symposium

We cordially invite all chronobiologists in The Netherlands for this full day symposium, focusing on the research on circadian biology and biological rhythms.


  • Locatie
    Rotterdam, Het Timmerhuis
  • Organisator
    BioClock Consortium


On April 14, 2025, the third annual Chronobiology Symposium will take place in the auditorium of ‘Het Timmerhuis’ in Rotterdam, Halvemaan Passage 90. We cordially invite all chronobiologists in The Netherlands for this full day symposium, focusing on the research on circadian biology and biological rhythms.

The symposium will include two keynote lectures. One a keynote lecture from Prof. dr Dick Swaab, Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology UvA and (former) director of the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, and a keynote lecture by dr Mariana Astiz, head of the Laboratory of Circadian Physiology at Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience in Spain.

Furthermore, we will have a lecture by Prof. dr Yvonne de Kort, Chair of Environmental Psychology of Human-Technology Interaction, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), and a lecture by dr Andres Romanowski, Assistant Professor Molecular Biology, WUR. Groupleader of Timing of Environmental Signalling .

These lectures will be complemented by selected presentations following abstract submissions.

More information

BioClock Consortium -  3rd Dutch Chronobiology Symposium