Symposium | Beyond tradition - Research and the shift towards responsible, animal-free innovations
This event aims to raise awareness, facilitate discussion, and provide insights into existing non-animal research approaches within the Leiden community.
LocatieLUMC Building 1, Lecture Hall 1
OrganisatorLUMC Proefdiercentrum
-- Symposium now open for registration and submission of abstracts --
To highlight the transition towards animal free research and showcase ongoing efforts in alternative testing methods, a symposium will be organized at the LUMC. The event aims to raise awareness, facilitate discussion, and provide insights into existing non-animal research approaches within the Leiden community.
This symposium aims to bring together investigators, researchers and professionals on laboratory animal-experimentation and welfare to explore the latest developments in the use of animal models and alternatives in scientific research performed at the LUMC, UL and the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
By fostering collaboration and discussion, this event seeks to enhance our understanding of considerations for current research: technological advancements and innovative approaches but also possible limitations that contribute to both the progress of scientific inquiry for optimal research models. Join us in this intellectual exchange to shape the future of research methodologies and considerations to choose the best practices in the pursuit of scientific excellence.
We are happy to present below the program for this symposium and are looking forward to receiving abstracts for oral and / or poster presentation.
Symposium | Beyond tradition - Research and the shift towards responsible, animal-free innovations
09:30 hrs. - Registration and welcome coffee Lecture Hall 1, Building 1 LUMC
10:00 hrs. - Opening remarks
Welcome Address by Symposium Organizer ( Marcel ter Veld,
head PDC)
10:15 hrs. - Session 1, Working towards alternatives LUMC
Chairs: Ronald Buijsen / Abdoel El Ghalbzouri
11:15 hrs. - Session 2, Innovative perspectives in iPSc / 3D tissues culturing
Chair: Anne van der Does
12:15 hrs. - Lunch, networking and poster session, “Boerhaaveplein”
13:30 hrs. - Session 3, Innovations in Computer Modelling / Artificial Intelligence?
Chairs: Ronald Buijsen / Abdoel El Ghalbzouri
14:30 hrs. - Keynote Session
15:15 hrs. - Session 4, Innovations in Regenerative medicine
Chair: Francoise Carlotti
16:15 hrs. - Announcement of best oral presentation and poster prize
16.20 hrs. - Drinks, networking and poster session at “Boerhaaveplein”
Open to: LUMC, UL, LBSP. Please follow this link to register.
Abstract submission deadline
The abstract submission deadline for this symposium is on 15th April 2025. Please submit your abstract separately by mail to
Organizing committee
- Ronald Buijsen Department of Human Genetics
- Francoise Carlotti RegMed, Department of Internal Medicine
- Anne van der Does Department of Pulmonary disease
- Abdoel El Ghalbzouri Department of Dermatology
- Laurel Schunselaar Animal Welfare Body
- Marcel ter Veld Animal Facility